Marissa went for her very first check-up/cleaning at the Dentist yesterday. She was so excited!! She did absolutely great. She has all her baby teeth & they are perfect. She talked with the Dentist and he was very impressed with how mature she is for not quite four. He explained to her why it is important that she stop sucking her thumb and she agreed that she doesn't want her teeth to get ugly and will try her best to stop. I'm going to start putting socks on her hands when she is sleeping to keep her from putting her thumb in after she's asleep.
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Wordless Wednesday and 7 Clown Circus for
Wordful Wednesday.
Yeah for a great check up! You have a beautiful family.
Aww! I'm glad she didn't freak out!
My kids love going to the dentist too!
That's a successful visit to the dentist. I love her smile! I'm joining Wordful Wednesday for the first time today and joining particpants' posts. Cheers from Bangkok!
Love the grin! If I only felt the same way...
Congratulations Marissa on your first check-up!
I remember Mary's first check-up at age 3. She was a bit in awe, but did really well.
We took Benjamin in June (only age 2 1/2) b/c he is missing a bottom tooth. He absolutely would not, refuse to open, that tiny little mouth of his. (One of the many reasons are dentist doesn't recommend seeing the dentist before age 3!)
Dentist told me not to worry, but I still think it's odd...only person on both sides of the family that is missing a tooth. Hopefully, it is not indicative of a missing permanent tooth.
Oh well...thank goodness for dental implants! Ha!
Great picture!
I'm a bit nervous about my girls first dental exam!
That is so awesome!
My kids always like going to the dentist too. That helps ALOT!
She is SO cute! Love the smile.
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