Melanie LOVES her GADBaby diaper, it is so soft. It's also one of the trimmest cloth diapers I've ever seen. Since it is a side snapping pocket, Melanie has never even tried to take it off. When the package arrived it smelled like fresh baked goodies! The outside of the envelope said "Fluffy Mail". We couldn't tear it open fast enough. We ordered Cherry Almond, Brown Sugar & Vanilla Butter Cream. We didn't have enough diapers for a load, so we ran a load of towels in the Cherry Almond. The scent in the laundry room was heavenly!! I really expected my towels to smell like cherries & almonds, but when I transferred them to the dryer they just smelled CLEAN. After drying they were fluffier & cleaner than they have seemed in a long time. I decided right then that I would start using the Rockin' Green on all my laundry. Since Rockin' Green is a powdered detergent, I had to adjust the detergent drawer on my washer to insure that the detergent was properly distributed. Rockin' Green makes almost no suds at all so it is perfect for my HE washer. I put a measuring spoon in the bag of detergent & measure out 2 tablespoons per load...my clothes, towels, sheets & diapers have never smelled cleaner. I know a lot of people use one kind of detergent for their general laundry and another kind for their diapers, but I've discovered that using one detergent for EVERYTHING is so much easier, plus I don't have to worry about any of the "regular" detergent residue getting on my cloth diapers.
Rockin' Green comes in 12 delicious scents.
- Fresh Linen- Blend of Lily and Jasmine. Comparable to Bath & Body Works Fresh Linen.
- Baby Powder- smells like freshly powdered baby.
- Cherry Almond- yummy cherries mixed with almonds. Best Seller!
- Vanilla Lavender- a soft fragrance of yummy vanilla and lavender.
- Monkey Snacks- A tropical blend of Banana, Coconut, Lime, Orange, Grapefruit, Bergamot, and Clove. Smells like Banana Laffy Taffy! Best Seller!
- Lemon- a clean, crisp lemon
- Cherry Lemonade- Blend of Cherry, Lemon, and Berry. Reminds me of a Cherry Limeade from Sonic!
- Brown Sugar- sweet brown sugar scent. It’s like fresh baked cookies without that pesky oven.
- Cucumber Mint- a refreshing blend of cucumber and spearmint.
- Ocean Rain – Blend of Ozone, Sea Spray, Orange and Rose
- Vanilla Buttercream- it’s like a cupcake without the calorie guilt! Best Seller!
- Berries & Cream- Strawberries, Raspberries and Cream. Think red and pink starbursts.
An unscented version is also available.
Rockin’ Green is:
Dye & perfume free
No fillers
No enzymes or optical brighteners
100% Phosphate Free
Great for sensitive skin
Easy rinsing formula
Works wonders on microfiber stink!
Perfect for cloth diapers
HE Compatible
Reusable packaging
Great for all water types
Economical at .13 cents a load!
Rockin' Green Soap is currently available on the Rockin' Green website and the GADBaby website. It will soon be available from several other cloth diaper websites and retailers. You can purchase a sample of any scent for just $3 including shipping!!! A sample will wash 10 loads in an HE washer!
I highly recommend this detergent to anyone who does laundry....this is definitely not a cloth diapers only product!
Kim has generously offered a full size order of Rockin' Green for one of my readers in your choice of scent. A full size order will wash 45 loads in a conventional washer or 90 loads in a HE washer. This giveaway is open to residents of the US & Canada. Please be sure your e-mail is visible in your profile or you include an e-mail address in each entry. Entries without contact information will be disqualified.
Mandatory first entry: Please tell me what scent you want to try the most and what scent you think Kim should add next.
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I will draw a winner using Random.org on Wednesday August 12th. The winner will be notified by e-mail & have 48 hrs to respond, if they do not respond a new winner will be chosen.
Visit We are THAT family to see more Works for ME Wednesday.
1 – 200 of 278 Newer› Newest»would love to try monkey snacks and how about a new strawberry banana scent
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I'd love to try Baby Powder
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allright, i've tried the vanilla buttercream, and i'm going to try the cherry lemonade as soon as it gets here, but CRANBERRY ORANGE or CINNAMON ROLLS would be just divine. absolutely divine.
fentonslee at gmail dot com
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I would like to try the vanilla butter cream, think the new scent should be the white chocolate truffle or the grass :)
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I like the Soft Rock in Cherry Lemonade. Yum. I would also like something with an orange scent! I just like citrus smell :)
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I would love to try *Ocean Rain*. I think Kim should make a lavender vanilla bean flavor.
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I'd love monkey snacks and maybe a sugar cookie scent!
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I would like to try cherry almond or cherry lemonade. I think a woodsy scent like a Christmas tree or a fresh cut grass scent.
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I would try Ocean Breeze and think Green Apple would be a nice addition.
Tweeted the giveaway. You guys rock!!!!
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Would love to try Berries and Cream. A Fresh Baked Cookies scent would be interesting.
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I would love to try the Monkey Snacks in Soft Rock...and maybe an orange or a strawberry banana...
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2nd tweet today :) http://twitter.com/jdruit/status/2915842875
I would love to try Monkey Snacks, although lilac would be a lovely scent as well!
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I really want to try the ocean rain and I would love a scent similar to moonlight path at bath and body works.
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We only use unscented laundry detergent, so we would like to try that version. I think orange blossom would be a good addition to the line.
Publicly following your blog now too:)
Just became a fan on facebook also:)
I'd like to try Cherry Lemonade! Maybe the next scent should be orange? My hubby loves orange!
ruth got gray at gmail dot com
Hard choice to make really, i like the Cucumber mint and the vanilla cream . A new one could be.. and I guess Its a bit wierd would be chocolate mint or chocolate caramel .. who knows right :) lil_lolas@hotmail.com
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I would like to try vanilla lavender. What about a fresh-baked-bread scent?
stacywhalen at yahoo dot com
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I'd love to try the brown sugar!
I think something with pears would be awesome!
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Would love to try fresh linen.
I'd get cherry lemonade! As for another scent, how about tea tree?
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Definitely a fan of Rockin' Green to wash our cloth diaper
tweeted giveaway (2nd time today)
I want to try Lavender Vanilla. As for new, maybe...lemongrass?
I want to try Buttercream the most (so I ordered a sample!). And I would LOVE if she made a mojito scent!
I desperately want to try the vanilla buttercream. And I would have to get a raspberry-vanilla if she had that one.
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I follow GADbaby - I so want one of her diapers. Totally going to buy one asap
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I think I would like to try Vanilla Buttercream. As for a new scent....how about something seasonal like pumpkin bread.
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RT with correct end date!
I would love the Vanilla Buttercream and maybe the next scent could be.. Pancakes and Syrup..or Turkey and stuffing..or maybe I'm just hungry?
brumley05 at msn dot com
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I think I would like the Ocean Rain. Sounds like such a refreshing scent!
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I would love the vanilla buttercream scent! Although I have to use unscented for my family :( I think an orange scent would be nice, too!
lisamls at verizon dot net
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lisamls at verizon dot net
Goodness, it's so hard to choose a scent! I'll go with vanilla buttercream =)
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I would love to try Berries & Cream. I would like to see Orange Sherbet in the future.
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I would love to try the Cherry Lemonade and I would love to see a plain ole citrus scent. I love Orange Blossom.
natandjakesmom at gmail dot com
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Monkey Snacks. I really wanted her to add Grape Soda, and she did!
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