Smartipants are the world's smartest one size fits all reusable (cloth) diaper. I'm really excited to be doing this review and giveaway. I've used other pocket diapers, but there are several features about this diaper that are unique. The first thing I noticed was the smart sleeve....the pocket is open at both ends. The open design of the pocket allows the insert to come out on its own in the wash. I LOVE that the entire inside is lined in suede cloth, it really contributes to how easy this diaper is to stuff. The pocket is very wide, even my husbands hand fits easily inside. Another benefit of the open pocket is that it is easy to smooth out the insert to make sure it is evenly distributed. The pocket is definitely large enough to accommodate both inserts for extra absorbency overnight.
It is a one size diaper that fits babies from approximately 7 lbs to 35 lbs. The size is easily adjusted using the three rows of rise snaps on the front of the diaper. The diaper has snap closures which I definitely prefer. I have found that snaps hold up much better than velcro over time and are much harder for Melanie to undo by herself. Melanie turned 2 last month. She is the kind of toddler who really enjoys taking off her messy diaper & making as big a mess as possible around the house....Smartipants snaps kept her from getting her diaper off!!! I LOVE this diaper!!! She has tested it during the day, at nap time & overnight without any leaks. The fit is fantastic! Smartipants come in Bright White and 6 adorable pastel colors. The one we tested on Melanie is Think Pink.

A single one size diaper comes with two micro terry inserts & retails on their website for $14.95. I'm really impressed with how inexpensive this diaper is.....one of the things that has kept me from buying very many pocket diapers is the price. Many other pocket diapers retail for considerably more and most of them do not come with any inserts. Smartipants also has a GREAT Smart Start 3 pack that comes with 3 reusable diapers and 3 smart sleeve inserts for only $36.95. That is just over $12 each, I've paid more than that for fitted diapers that require a separate waterproof cover!

Smartipants has also given me one Smartipants Reusable diaper in Mellow Yellow with 2 Smart Sleeve inserts to give away to one of you!!! This giveaway is open to US mailing addresses only.
Mandatory entry: Go to smartipants and come back to tell me your favorite feature.I will not accept entries such as "please enter me", etc. If you don't do the mandatory entry all other entries will be invalid
Extra entries:
Follow my blog (1 comment entry)
Follow me and smartipants both on twitter (1 comment entry with twitter id)
Tweet this giveaway daily (1 tweet per day & leave me a separate comment with the permalink of each tweet)
Blog this giveaway with a link back to Smartipants and me (2 comment entry)
Fav me on technorati (2 comment entry)
I will close this in 2 weeks on Friday June 26th at 9 pm EST. A winner will be chosen by a 3rd party number generator and announced shortly after. The winner will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen.Good luck! If your e-mail is not visible in your profile, please include it in each of your comment entries.
To see more Things I LOVE Thursday visit The Diaper Diaries
My fav feature is the unique leg gusset to prevent leakage.
I follow both you and @thesmartipants on twitter
I like the snap closures. My daughter's baby belly sometimes rubs on the velcro (on other diapers)causing irritation, so the snaps will solve that problem!
I favorited you on technorati (fentonslee) 1
I follow you and @smartipants on Twitter: @nanceattack
Favorited you on technorati 2
I like the snaps and it looks super trim.
I tweet @saywah and follow you both on twitter.
I also follow your blog.
@fentonslee tweeted your giveaway http://twitter.com/fentonslee/statuses/2121084106
My favorite feature is not having to take out the inserts before washing!
I'm following your blog.
I'm following you both.
I love that the entire inside is lined in suede cloth making it easier to stuff. I posted a link to your review and Smartipants on my blog. I also follow you!
I love that it's one size! Thanks
hmahan_0529 @ yahoo dot com
and I follow you! Thanks
The smart sleeve has got to be the greatest feature I've ever seen compared to other pockets.
I love that the insert comes out in the wash.
Also, my word verification is substork. I think that's the guy that brings babies to submariners? Maybe?
I follow you both on Twitter.
I follow your blog.
I like that they don't look big and bulky and that they are one-size-fits-all. With two in diapers it would be great to have just one diaper that fits them both.
My favorite feature is the smart sleeve and not having to remove the insert to wash it!
I follow both on twitter momof3munchkins
tweeted http://twitter.com/momof3munchkins/status/2126830766
My favorite feature is the smart pocket! If I don't have to touch it and it washes out on it's own I'm in heaven!!!
i love the 'leak prevention technology' and the smart pocket. i just love the diapers!!
tweet of the day
i love that you don't have to take the liner out of the pocket before you wash it. and the super strong snaps are really cool, too!
It's really hard to pick ONE favorite feature, but I think it would be the great, TRIM fit, but without losing any absorbency!
Following both you and thesmartipants on twitter! Twitter id mommahobbitt
Following your blog :) You have a beautiful family!
I love the idea of not touching the icky inserts! And the dipes are really affordable and cute!
I follow you and smartipants on twitter(mom_07).
I tweeted! http://twitter.com/mom_07/status/2137914297
My favorite thing is the openings on both ends so you don't have to remove the wet insert - definitely a great selling point for my DH too!
I follow and I love the snaps. Such a versatile diaper!
I follow both you and @thesmartipants on Twitter (@EllisFan14)
I follow and I love the snaps and colors!
I'm now following your blog :)
It is hard to choose my favorite feature, but I love the fact that is is one size since I have two babies and I know they can both wear the same diapers!
I follow your blog!
I am following you and @thesmartipants on twitter, my user id is eastsidemommy!
http://twitter.com/EllisFan14/status/2147505126 RT'd the giveaway
I tweeted today about your giveaway: http://twitter.com/eastsidemommy
I faved you on technorati #1, my user name is eastsidemommyyy (with 3 y's)
Faved you on technorati #2 (eastsidemommyyy)
http://katieandscotts.blogspot.com/2009/06/giveaways-galore.html I blogged about your giveaway
I included a link to Smartipants in my blog about the giveaway http://katieandscotts.blogspot.com/2009/06/giveaways-galore.html
Ok so I am so mad I never knew about these diapers before. Where have I been?!?! :) The smart sleeve that will let the insert come out in the wash is genius! I could have used this just the other day when my hands became icky getting an insert out of another brand. My husband will also like this feature. I too favor snaps in place of velcro and I am sprised at the great price. I am following you both on twitter as well.
My favorite feature is the price! I think I would enjoy having the insert come out in the wash, too!
I added your blog to my reader
Following you & smartipants on twitter as onemotherslove
tweeted: http://twitter.com/onemotherslove/status/2148986920
I love the snaps!
I follow you on twitter
I like the leak guard feature. I haven't seen that on any other diaper before.
i follow you and smartipants @jillybean986
Ooh, I can't wait to try these. The second I heard about the SmartSleeve I was all about not having to pull those inserts out myself! Definitely my favorite feature.
I follow you and @smartipants on twitter... I'm @kyouell.
Here's my permalink to today's tweet about this giveaway:
I'll be completely honest and say I don't know if I would like them. I've only used prefolds with pins and plastic elastic pants. I'd have to try them before deciding if I would like them. I'd love to try them as they look really nice but I wouldn't buy them without giving them a try first.
Tweet! http://twitter.com/Anyelday/status/2151975112
I follow you and smartipants on twitter
I follow your blog
I like the adjustable snaps. All my velcro dipes are wearing.
i follow you on twitter, beanersmama
i follow smartipants on twitter- beanersmama
i follow your blog!
i love the smart sleeve idea! being pregnant i really don't like pulling inserts out of my pocket diapers!
(sorry if i entered this entry twice, it's not showing up!)
Best thing is that they are made in the USA!! and the leak guard technology may actually may make me a convert from disposables.
My favorite feature is the patented Smart Sleeve!
I am following both you and Smartipants on Twitter!
I am now the proud follower of this blog!!
I blogged about this fantastic giveaway linking you and Smartipants! www.hamfam365.blogspot.com/2009/06/fullnest.html
tweeted today
twittered this giveaway :)
tweeted http://twitter.com/momof3munchkins/status/2154868705
I like the snaps, but I have to say I really like the price. They are smart on the wallet as well.
queenoftheclick at yahoo dot com
I follow you and smartipants on twitter.
My favorite feature is the two openings - no need to unstuff for washing. I love it!!!
I follow!!
I follow you both on twitter - Upstatemomof3
Tweet - http://twitter.com/Upstatemomof3/statuses/2160071410
how sweet...
Happy Pink Satur-unday. I love your photos, how perfect for PS.
Got a minute? Pour a cuppa, pull up a comfy chair and please stop by - I love company.
WOOT~! I am try to have another little bub and would love to win. I sold all my stash years ago.
I think the gusset is the best feature I see b/c I did have some dipes that leaked when I used them years ago. It def. looks like things improved even over the past two to three years.
Great giveaway!
tweet http://twitter.com/momof3munchkins/status/2170776871
Tough decision! I think my fave feature is also the leg gusset--you usually only find those on covers so to have them on pockets is a bonus! I also like that they have the sleeve technology--no more icky touches!
thanks for the giveaway!
I follow both of you on twitter! (@monkeysonthebed)
Tweeted today!
tweet of the day
My fav feature is definitely the sleeve. I hate unstuffing dirty pockets!! I love the clever clover color, too!
I follow you and thesmartipants on Twitter (Mom2chunkymonky)
I follow your blog!!
I love the pass through pocket, I've never tried a diaper that I didnt have to pull wet/dirty inserts out of first.
tweet http://twitter.com/momof3munchkins/status/2179723188
My favorite feature would be the unique insert that falls out in the wash!
tweet http://twitter.com/momof3munchkins/status/2193072168
I love the idea of leakguard
I'm in the researching phase of cloth diapers and surfed in. I love the idea of a cheap cloth diaper. I'm daunted by the cost of starting up.
I have one of these diapers and I love the smart sleeve! It is so nice not to have to take a dirty/wet insert out before throwing it in the wash.
I follow you both on Twitter! AnnathanMagz
I would have to say my favorite feature is the Smart Sleeve - that is so neat that it will just come out on it's own!
And wow, that is a great price for what looks like a fantastic diaper.
I followed you!
I like all the different snaps. And the price sounds great!
Very nice. The Smartipants are a bit cheaper than the BG diapers I use now. I also like the snap closures.
like how you can take out the liner from front or back
follow you on twitter
follow thesmartipants
I love that they're snaps and not velcro!
I follow!
My favourite feature is the inserts that remove themselves! Love all the great colours as well.
Follow you and Smartipants on Twitter (MarinOBrien)
Technorati favourite (Frugonomics101)
Technorati favourite (Frugonomics101)
tweet http://twitter.com/momof3munchkins/status/2209283305
I love that they are made in the USA and yet are very affordable!
I love that the inserts come out in the wash!
Following you and @smartipants on Twitter!
I LOVE the Smart Sleeve because I no longer have to touch the wet/dirty inserts!
I tweeted today http://twitter.com/EllisFan14/status/2214823633
Tweety tweet!
tweet http://twitter.com/momof3munchkins/status/2224731450
I am following you on twitter @christinemary.
I am following Smarti pants (@christinemary)
I am following your blog
My favorite feature is that they are one size fits all. I tweeted about the giveaway: http://twitter.com/christinemary
My favorite feature is that the inserts come out in the wash! It's less messy that way!
My fav feature is that it's a OS diaper!
following both & tweeted,
Leaving a separate comment for following on twitter (momof3dolls).
#1 blog entry,
#2 blog entry,
tweet https://twitter.com/momof3munchkins/status/2240622380
I follow you and SmartiPants on Twitter under hmahan_0529! Thanks
hmahan_0529 @ yahoo dot com
I am excited about the snaps on these. Also, the smart sleeve sounds great. I am excited about these. It sounds like an option we can actually afford. Yay!
daily tweet,
Daily tweet:
tweet https://twitter.com/momof3munchkins/status/2256448563
I like that they are made in the USA!
Tweet tweet!
tweet! http://twitter.com/momof3munchkins/status/2270436773
daily tweet,
i love the 'smart pocket' feature!! and the fact that it's one size.
follow both of you on twitter. (@amandap22)
I love the "smart sleeve" and the elatic that doesn't leave red marks on legs.
tweet! https://twitter.com/momof3munchkins/status/2280207166
how can pick a favorite feature?? how about the fact that it is OSFA for a great price. the idea of owning so many in each different size drives me bonkers. :)
i would LOVE to never have to touch an insert again... that plus the incredible low price make these an amazing find!
I love that you don't have to take the insert out to wash them!!
I follow you and smartipants on twitter.
I love how the insert just comes out in the wash! This is the only pocket diaper I've seen that will do this. I'm new to cloth diapering and winning here will certainly help build my stash!
- Kacie
sensetosave (at) gmail (dotcom)
i tweeted ur giveaway
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daily tweet
Tweet, tweet:
tweet! https://twitter.com/momof3munchkins/status/2327570968
I actually just ordered a 3 pack to try the other day. I think my favorite feature is going to be the snaps. I've heard from other moms that the snaps on smartipants make the fit so much better. I can't wait to try them. I follow you and #thesmartipants on twitter by the way @irishheathen.
daily tweet
As far as my favorite feature- I'll have to say it's a tie between the snaps and the fact that it's one size!
jessiekaitlin at hotmail dot com
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jessiekaitlin at hotmail dot com
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jessiekaitlin at hotmail dot com
I tweeted about the giveaway
jessiekaitlin at hotmail dot com
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last daily tweet:)http://twitter.com/momof3dolls/status/2345026320
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tweeted: http://twitter.com/Mom2chunkymonky/statuses/2346469751
blogged your giveaway
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tweet of the day
My favorite feature is definitely the snap closures! :) My daughter will not leave a Velcro diaper on.
I follow your blog. :)
I follow both you and SmartiPants on Twitter. (EatCrayons)
My favorite feature is the snaps! I hate having to check wet diapers to make sure the velcro is fastened before dumping them in the wash!
I follow you on twitter
tweeted about the giveaway
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