Monday, February 16, 2009

Home from the hospital.....Finally

I've been in the hospital with bi-lateral pneumonia since Friday. Warning this may be garbled....I'm still on a LOT of medication.

I'm FINALLY home!!! I had no idea how sick I was, I was just in a ton of pain & couldn't figure out why. They initially thought I was having a heart attack because the worst pain was in my left shoulder/arm and jaw.....I've never seen hospital people move so fast. After lots of tests & a couple EKG's, they started thinking stroke, but did a chest x-ray to rule out broken bones. The chest x-ray looked really weird & they thought I had a perforated lung or that the left lung was collapsed, so they ordered a CAT scan with contrast dye. The CAT scan showed that both my lungs were mostly full of GUNK. My oxygen sats were 89% and I had a fever of 102, so they decided I would have to stay overnight for IV antibiotics.

One night turned into three. Fortunately being on oxygen & getting breathing treatments helped a lot with the PAIN. I'm still pretty sick, but at least I can breath again. I've sometimes fantasized about how nice it would be to get away for a few days. This experience was a total let down, not only did I feel AWFUL most of the time, but they didn't let me sleep more than 2 hrs in a row. My arms & hands are covered in bruises from all the blood draws and multiple failed IV insertions.

I'm on tons of medicines & probably have almost no blood left because they took so much out. Hubby did great taking care of the kids the whole time. He has always been wonderful in crisis situations, so I knew he could handle things. I'm going to end up weaning Baby Daughter because of the medicines they have me on, she is 21 months. She went to sleep & slept all night for Hubby when I wasn't here, so he will have to keep up that routine with her until it becomes a habit. Potty training didn't do so well without Mommy home & she has been in Pampers since Friday. We'll get wash done & think about digging the house out in a few days when I'm hopefully feeling more human again.


Kirsty said...

OH you poor thing! You are such a tough trooper, but please don't even think about digging anything out. Relax and recoup, everything else will and must wait. I am so glad you seem to be on the mend but it sounds like a horrible ordeal. ((())))

Janet said...

Oh, goodness! How awful. I'm so glad that you are on the road to recovery. Be sure to rest as much as possible.

Deanna said...

I thought I was missing you!!!
I'm glad you're on the mend, finally! So sorry that it's been so painful and that weaning isn't going on yours and baby daughter's terms, but you know she'll be fine.
Gentle hugs!

Missy said...

(((HUGS))) that sounds horrible. You rest and take it easy. Do not overdo it and end up makeing yourself worse. The house and the rest can wait.

Kim said...

You poor poor terrible. You stay down and rest, let everyone there take care of YOU. Hope you feel better soon.

Stefani said...

OH you sweet thing. I hope your recover quickly. What a miserable experience!!! Huge Hugs!!!

Jules said...

Yikes! I'm so glad you're feeling better now. Please keep resting and let everyone take care of you for a while. Take care of yourself!