Tuesday, May 20, 2014

School is OUT for Summer!!!

This was a very exciting school year.  We started the year with all three girls in K12 virtual school.  In October we decided to let Maggie give regular 8th grade a try at the local public school.  She hadn't been in regular school since 5th grade.  She did very well academically, she made some friends and she learned that being at home really is best for her learning style.  By the middle of November she was back at home doing traditional homeschool.  In early December, the younger girls also became traditional homeschoolers.  The State of Tennessee requires 180 days of instruction for homeschoolers and we finished up the first week in May.

We have started meeting other homeschooling families and getting involved in local activities.  The library is our second home. We also have participated in a Flat Stanley project for homeschoolers and a postcard exchange group for homeschoolers.  Learning Geography was never so much FUN!
Morgan remained in his virtual high school that is run by a neighboring county school district, for his sophomore year.  He took the ACT in April and scored very well.  He finished the Spring semester this week.  He scored a 96 on his English II EOC and 100% on his final English project. He also completed 2 years of German for his foreign language requirement.  He struggled with Algebra II, so we are planning some changes for him next Fall.
Over the Summer everyone will still be learning, but we won't call it school until mid August.  We plan to continue with traditional homeschooling, adding in co-op classes and registering with an umbrella school.

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